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The book Becoming a STEM Teacher: a Crash Course for People Entering the Profession”, is grounded into the TeachOlogical philosophy of teaching (the book is based on some of the postings listed below). For SED students this book provides a good addition to a standard textbook.

Click here for a free download in various formats.

TeachOlogy is a practical philosophy of teaching and learning (Russian philosopher Sergei Gessen, 1887 - 1950, called education an “applied philosophy”; more at http://www.rus-ameeduforum.com/content/en/?task=art&article=1000964&iid=15).

A confirmation of good teaching.

The majority of the publications is available also at https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Valentin_Voroshilov or https://bu.academia.edu/ValentinVoroshilov

Publication listed below were used as a raw material

for the book above

Publications listed below are not related to the book above

(but, hopefully, a raw material for the next one)

Is Artificial Intelligence already Intelligence?

Thinking about becoming a STEM teacher? Think again!

Education reform needs a new paradigm.

How I flipped my class without even knowing it.

Do we really know if charter schools work and – more importantly – do we want to know?

What does an educator need to know about a brain?

Why do students drop a class?

A General “Algorithm” for Creating a Solution to a Physics Problem.

On the Socratic method

To test or not to test? This is NOT the right question! (also was at http://www.edutopia.org , Mar. 2015)

Critical reading of “Making sense of confusion” by Eric Mazur et al. (Education Practices and Innovations / Vol. 2, #4, 2015)

What does “thinking as a physicist” mean?

A Map of Operationally Connected Categories as an instrument for classifying physics problems and a basis for developing a novel tool for measuring learning outcomes in physics.

Learning aides for students taking physics. (a broader version of Phys. Educ. 50 (2015) 694-698, http://stacks.iop.org/0031-9120/50/694, October, 2015)

Math self-test for students planning on taking a physics course.

Project-oriented form of teacher professional development”/ Presentation at 2016 PhysTech conference: http://www.teachology.xyz/pr16.htm

Materials from a one day workshop with Prof. Novak for teachers: Educational concept mapping”: http://www.teachology.xyz/sciencetalksite/index.htm (Aug. 2014)

An actual level of difficulty of test problems and its subjective perception by students // 2009 AAPT Winter Meeting, Chicago, Feb. 15 (2009).

Making the Transition from Introductory to Upper-Level Courses // 2009 AAPT Winter Meeting, Chicago, Feb. 15 (2009).

On a Definition of Work // The Physics Teacher, Val. 46, May 2008, p. 260.

Energy from nothing? // Physics Teacher, Vol. 45, No. L1, p. L1, July 2007.

On Putting Physics First” // “Interactions”, March/April 2007, p. 6 -7;

Physics First or Physics in Parallel? // 2007 AAPT Summer Meeting, Aug. 1 (2007)

The Comparison Between Russian High School And American College Curricula” // 2007 AAPT Winter Meeting, January 2007.

Constructing Learning Aids for Teaching Algebra-based Physics” / Poster, AAPT summer meeting, 2006

Classification of Educational Self-Determination of Students” (2001, in Russian)

On the Necessity of Modeling by a Teacher of His/Her Own  Pedagogical Activity” (1997, in Russian)

Application of Operationally-Interconnect Categories for Diagnosing  the Level of Students' Understanding of Physics” (1996, in Russian)

Quantitative Measures of the Learning Difficulty of Physics Problems” (1996, in Russian)

“Backpack full of cash”: stating a problem but not offering a solution

A concept of a new kind of a high school, i.e. a regionally- and facet- distributed joint onsite-online-live-streaming collaborative high school.

Physics Course to Every Student, Physics into Every School!

Presentation at 2016 PhysTEC conference (Baltimore, MD, March 11 – 13)

Physics as a Door Into STEM Education” (a presentation for the seminar 01/17/17)

Professional Designing As One Of The Key Competencies Of a Modern Teacher.

What infrastructure do we need for developing a science of education?(The presentation for 2016 Forbes “30 under 30” Summit)

XQsuperschool – a blessing or a waste of money?

Will the Yidan Prize Affect the Evolution of Education? Too Soon to Say.

Will Artificial Intelligence Save, Replace or even Affect Education Practices? (a venture capitalist’s view)

How much of “cyber” in “cyberlearning” and "cyberthinking"?

What is the difference between science and religion? Really.

On a Definition of AI

The Dawn of a New AI era

What Does it Mean to be “smart”?

What is the Mission of Education?


Politics, philosophy, and personal views

The link to YoutbeCast “videos”

short letters on different topics

A full physics course

Physics related papers => “Doing Physics”

In Russian

A collections of solved problems (introductory mechanics – in Russian).

A booklet for physics teachers: “Techniques for teaching students how to solve problems” (in Russian).

My PhD dissertation (in Russian): “Conditions which are necessary and sufficient for teachers to become proficient in advancing their own professional development”.

(a pdf file of the dissertation).

Click on this link to see some materials from a past workshop.

two links to short videos (mostly physics experiments):

https://www.youtube.com/user/buphysics/videos and https://www.youtube.com/user/vvfreephysics

Thank you for visiting!

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P.S. Please, be advised that I am NOT the only Valentin Voroshilov on the Web, but I am the only one who teaches math and physics, does research in education, writes on education, and consults educators!